Why Should I Choose Preventative Care?
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Finally, medicine is beginning to heed this warning yet many wellness programs are still behind the curve when it comes to comprehensive treatment.
Prevention Versus Wellness
Wellness or functional medicine is a systems biology-based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. Each symptom or differential diagnosis may be one of many contributing to an individual’s illness.
On the contrast, preventive care is a way to help detect or prevent serious diseases and medical problems before they can become major. Cigna Healthcare explains that annual check-ups, immunizations, and flu shots, as well as certain tests and screenings, are a few examples of preventive care. Mental health questionnaires, smoking cessation, and alcohol abuse counseling are all considered general preventative care regimens.
The American College of Preventive Medicine defines preventive medicine as the practice of promoting preventive health care to improve patient well-being. The goal is to ultimately prevent disease, disability, and premature death. It takes into account factors that influence health such as environmental factors, lifestyle choices and genetic predispositions.
The NaviWell Difference
If we take the standard preventative approach described above and add NaviWell’s comprehensive model of preventative care, you would not only receive the services previously mentioned, but also the addition of dedicated health coaches in-office along with medical diet and nutrition visits. We, at Naviwell, believe that prevention starts with education, exercise, and diet.
Physicians, healthcare management groups, and patients all have a different definition of prevention care. The reality is, we are all trying to find a way to take better care of patients by creating an improved value based plan. NaviWell exists to support physicians and patients in putting the pieces together through innovation and technology for a full service preventative care treatment plan.
NaviWell’s Comprehensive Model
Standard Approach
The Naviwell Difference
Annual Check-Ups, Immunizations
Tests & Screenings
Smoking Cessation & Alcohol Abuse Counseling
In-Office Dedicated Health Coach
Medical Diet Plan
Nutrition Visits
Tailored Exercise Outline Specific to Your Goals
Advanced Specialized Diagnostic Testing
100% Customized Supplements
Living Well Just Got Easier
Insurance is catching onto the importance of preventative medicine. We are helping patients create (and maintain) healthier, more fulfilling lifestyles through wellness and exercise coaching, dietetics and many more specialized diagnostics designed specifically for you. By decreasing weight gain, metabolic conditions, excessive amounts of medication, and unnecessary emergency room visits, your insurance saves money. Why not let your insurance help you get healthy?
Learn more about the NaviWell program and let’s get started turning back the tide of aging with cutting edge diagnostics, personalized wellness coaching, training, and 100% customized supplements to empower you to live your best life.
Ready to Get Started?
Get ready to see improved metabolic health, weight loss, improved blood score testing, decreased cholesterol, improved blood sugar, decreased blood pressure, better energy, and improved quality of sleep. JOIN TODAY
Support Team, The NaviWell Group
9456 State Hwy 121, Frisco, Tx 75035